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Founder and publisher of the institute of the online edition «Bulletin of the Tomsk Institute for Advanced Training of Employees the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia» – the Federal State institution of additional professional education «Tomsk Institute for Advanced Studies of Employees the Federal Penitentiary Service».

The online edition is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor), registration number and date of the decision on registration: series El No. FS77-76076 dated June 24, 2019.

The publication of the journal, the powers of the publisher, founder, editorial board, the procedure for the formation and powers of the editorial board, requirements for published materials, the procedure for reviewing and other issues of the online publication are regulated by the Charter of the editorial office of the online publication «Bulletin of the Tomsk Institute for Advanced Training of Employees the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia» and the Regulations on the online publication «Bulletin of the Tomsk Institute for Advanced Studies the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia».

Languages: Russian, English.

The main sections of the journal are presented in the following areas: «Law», «Management», «Psychology», «Pedagogy».

The section «Law»  is devoted to publications reflecting the legal aspects of the execution of criminal sentences and other measures of a criminal-legal nature, as well as the problems of ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of convicts.

The section «Management» is aimed at highlighting topical problems of management arising in the activities of institutions and bodies of the UIS, improving the staffing of the activities of the UIS, topical problems of combating corruption, as well as studying the historical experience of the functioning of subdivisions and bodies of the UIS.

The section «Psychology» is aimed at highlighting issues related to the problems of organizing psychological assistance to convicts, psychological support for the activities of employees of the penitentiary system, the use of modern forms and methods of psychological correction in the activities of psychologists in the penal system.

The section «Pedagogy» covers topics related to the analysis and application in practice of modern forms and methods of pedagogical influence on the personality of convicts, the organization of educational work with convicts in prisons and in conditions not associated with the isolation of convicts from society, as well as topical problems of increasing qualification and professional retraining of employees of institutions and authorities of the penal system.

The main purpose of the publication is to assist in improving the quality of training of specialists for the bodies and institutions of the penal system. The online publication, as part of the Russian scientific and information system, participates in solving the following tasks:

  • assistance in scientific support of the activities of bodies and institutions of the penal system;
  • strengthening the interaction of the Institute with other educational and research institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and other ministries and departments in the field of science;
  • reflection and dissemination of the results of research activities;
  • propaganda of the main achievements of science;
  • the formation of open scientific polemics, contributing to the improvement of the quality of scientific research.

The exit schedule is 4 times a year.

The publication of articles in the magazine is free.

There is no fee for the publication of articles. Author’s remuneration is not paid to the authors of the materials. The publication in the online edition provides for mandatory reviewing.